Posts Tagged: "pop culture"

Down with the Yogalomaniac (yanking the EGO out of YOGA)

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You heard me. Fie on the megalomaniacs, those yoga “teachers” self-dousing and drowning in ego, with delusions of grandeur and omnipotence; the ones I am officially coining YOGALOMANIACS. I’ve read a few disturbing articles as of late, namely: Bow Down to the Yoga Teacher — Newsweek The Overheated, Oversexed Cult...

top 5 honeys i’d love to savasana with { ohhhmmm }

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When I was in middle school and high school, I kept supersecret mental lists of boys I had crushes on — one list for celebs, one list for “real” boys. Blame my perfectionist brain. I like order. And daydreaming. It hit me recently that it’s been too, too long since...

are you a meanie yogini? { 10 ways to know fo sho }

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The words may rhyme, but “meanie” NEVER goes well with “yogini.” We might be a little feisty, some of us are incredibly type-A, and everybody has an off day, but there IS a line. The Meanie Yogini / Yogi: Kicks your mat out of the way so she can squiggle...

the yoga of root canals { ouch! }

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Oho! You thought I’d fallen victim to the 10-month yoga blogging curse! (Yeah, made that up.) But no! I’ve been MIA lately for many reasons, including my teefies. Sigh. Root canal episode. Don’t Look a Gift Yogini in the Mouth No, really. Don’t. You might find cavities. FML. But life’s...