conversational yoga { also: why you need a yoga buddy }

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yoga buddy

I crack up when I start talking about yoga to people who don’t know much about it (you know, the non-initiated). Instead of getting on my soapbox, I get on my yoga block. I get so gosh darned excited about yogaandmypracticeandmyteachertrainingandeverything (!!!) that I can talk all day. There’s so much to tell them! So much they need to know! So much yogic goodness to sprinkle around like golden, sparkly glitter.

At first, they’re pumped that you’re pumped about something. I love how people get excited when you are. Those are the beautiful points of conversation — that energy, that infectiousness! At a certain point, though, they reach their yoga-talk threshold. They blink, blink, blink. They look away. They’re thinking, “Gee, I didn’t know she could talk this much!” Eventually you ramble on too long and you lose them. Sigh. If you want to keep your friends and loved ones, this is something to be mindful and respective of.

These, my friend, are the times you need your yoga buddy. Your YB is a peep who is just as passionate as you are about yoga. Every yogi or yogini has to have at least one YB. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you don’t. On your journey, all these amazingly wonderful things will pop up (epiphanies! conquered poses! challenges! hilarious moments in class! philosophical musings!) and it’s imperative that you have someone to share these with. Imperative!

Rest assured, we are fascinated by your dance/personal training/athletic background, we like discussing your hyperextended arms and legs, we never get tired of talking about our fave teachers, and if you want to talk for hours, mention The Yoga Sutras or Light on Yoga.

If you don’t have a YB, run, don’t walk, to get one now. Hey, I’m available. Can I tell you about the fierce Headstand I did the other day?

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soothsayer. illusion slayer. intj/mastermind. writer + artist + strategist + innovator. california born, city of angels bred. gypset world traveler. la face with an oakland booty. queen of the jungle who doesn't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

9 Comments to conversational yoga { also: why you need a yoga buddy }

  1. nancy (yoga_mydrishti)

    ok, here’s the thing. I can’t live without my cyber sangha or my YTT pals. they get my successes, my failures and my struggles. they care whether i mastered the jump back from Bakasana to Chaturanga and they love that I call them “bakasana” and “chaturanga.”

    my husband would go nuts if i didn’t have my yoga buddies. glad to count you among them in my cyber sangha. love the blog btw.

  2. So much YES! This is part of what drew me to the online Yoga-freak world…My “real life” friends were starting to shrink away from My Crazy… You know…conversations would stall awkwardly as I gushed and they physically pulled back, saying things like “Uh…yeah, you really like yoga, don’t you, Elaine?”

    I just don’t get it. Isn’t everyone FASCINATED by my progress towards a full Royal Pigeon?

  3. So much YES! This is part of what drew me to the online Yoga-freak world…My “real life” friends were starting to shrink away from My Crazy… You know…conversations would stall awkwardly as I gushed and they physically pulled back, saying things like “Uh…yeah, you really like yoga, don’t you, Elaine?”

    I just don’t get it. Isn’t everyone FASCINATED by my progress towards a full Royal Pigeon?

  4. So much YES! This is part of what drew me to the online Yoga-freak world…My “real life” friends were starting to shrink away from My Crazy… You know…conversations would stall awkwardly as I gushed and they physically pulled back, saying things like “Uh…yeah, you really like yoga, don’t you, Elaine?”

    I just don’t get it. Isn’t everyone FASCINATED by my progress towards a full Royal Pigeon?

  5. Nancy, beautifully put, as always! You are a gem and I feel blessed to have connected with you. More adventures to come in the future — especially when you visit me here in LA! :)

  6. Hi Elaine! I love it — “online Yoga-freak world” and “My Crazy”. LoL! I’m totally into your progress towards any pose. :) So into it, actually, that I’m going to find you on Twitter so we can talk about it. ;)

  7. Yoga buddies are essential. Last night, I was talking to a non-yoga friend and said, “I have to go, I need to meditate now.” And she burst out laughing. I took no offense, but my yoga buddies WOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT. I prefer when I can compare life to crow and they know what I’m talking about. :)

    One in yoga nerddom.

  8. Hillary: You really are never alone, my dear. You have our whole yogini + yogi crew right there with you!

    Nerdyyogi: Exactly! Thank the goodies for our yoga peeps – they understand. If you had told me you needed to leave for meditation I would have said, “Nerdy, I am so proud of you!” :) And then I would have been inspired to meditate.

    Yoga nerds UNITE!