
Category "Guides + How To"

YOGA: this is what happens when…

- - Guides + How To
yoga this is what happens when...

They tell you there’s a sub today:   You take a Jivamukti class:   Some asshole does a pose you totally can’t:   The dude who won’t go away skeeves on you one time too many:   The teacher’s face when she says you’re doing MORE abs:   A fart...

MUKTA (learn sanskrit words + devanagari script!)

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learn sanskrit mukta translation

The Meaning of Mukta: In Sanskrit, MUKTA means released, liberated, freed. Moksa/Moksha is closely related to Mukta, meaning liberation or freedom. I’ve chosen to bring attention to Mukta as its tense communicates that it has already taken place, just as we are already free. We simply have to recognize it....

Humming Bee Breath (pranayama practice)

- - Guides + How To

Humming Bee Breath is also known as Brahmari — the Sanskrit word for bee. Akin to chanting Aum, the vibrations created here calm the mind, body, and spirit. When we tap into sound, we tap into the present. Bee here now. This beautiful buzzing breath practice will pollinate your mind and...

4 Reasons Pigeon Pose Makes You Cry

- - Guides + How To

Let’s face it, pigeons poop on people for fun (what, you thought those were indiscriminate excrement-shots?!), they’re awfully dirty, and they’ll chase you down if you have something delectable in your hand. It makes sense that yoga’s Pigeon Pose would make you cry or at the very least, bring about...