sweets, hearts, + chakras { hadley pollet tee + tank giveaway! }

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hadley pollet giveaway

It’s a V-day giveaway…with none other than Hadley Pollet. With a name like Hadley, you have to be fabulous. And believe me, she is. Not so coincidentally, so is her clothing and accessories line. I’m not much of a name-dropper (unless it’s amazing yoga teachers), but a few notable names have had to have themselves some Hadley: Shiva Rea, Eva Mendes, Duncan Wong, Mariel Hemingway, Kia Miller, Denise Richards, Katharine McPhee, and Lo.

I practiced in my Compassionate Journey shirt (Hadley donates all sales proceeds to TRS Foundation) today and all the yoginis in the room were salivating over it. I just smiled and felt compassion that they didn’t have the kick-ass tee I did.

With her infinitely generous spirit, Hadley has blessed me with TWO looooooovely goodies to give to you: the Pink Chakra Tee (putting you more in touch with your sacral aka sexy chakra, perhaps?) and the Tangerine Sweetheart Tank (with its lovely heart mandala, encouraging you to keep yours wide open). This means we get to have TWO winners! Yay!!

Hadley is also offering YIFY readers 15% off all tees and tanks from now through 2.19.2011 with the discount code: YISFORYOGINI.

How to Win:

  1. Leave a comment here with your sweet answer to this question: The zinnia is Hadley’s signature flower. What’s yours and why?
  2. Like Hadley Pollet on Facebook { bonus entry! }
  3. Follow Hadley Pollet on Twitter { bonus entry! }
  4. Tweet this giveaway, mentioning @hadleypollet and @yisforyogini { bonus entry! }
  5. Post this giveaway on Facebook { bonus entry! }
  6. Be sure to note in your comment which actions you’ve taken.


  1. Contest is open to all yoga lovers worldwide!
  2. Contest closes Monday, February 14th at 8pm PST.
  3. Two winners will be chosen at random { first one drawn receives the pink tee, second one receives the tangerine tank } and notified in the comments section and via email on Valentine’s Day evening.

Sweet shirts for the sweet! Much love to you, my lovelies! :)

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soothsayer. illusion slayer. intj/mastermind. writer + artist + strategist + innovator. california born, city of angels bred. gypset world traveler. la face with an oakland booty. queen of the jungle who doesn't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

47 Comments to sweets, hearts, + chakras { hadley pollet tee + tank giveaway! }

  1. Fav flower is the Echinacea, chocolate cosmos comes in close second.

    tweeted away and have done all the liking already ;-)

  2. My favorite flower is the hydrangea so pretty and to me epitomizes spring! I already “like” Hadley on FB and follow both your tweets…oh and I tweeted this giveaway!! Merci to both you and Hadley for hosting!

  3. 1) signature flower is the daffodil. Bright, sunshiny and guaranteed to perk you up in the midst of a loooooong winter.

    2) Liked HP on FB

    3) Liked HP on Twitter

    4) Tweeted the give away

    5) Tweet fed into Facebook status update

    LOVE your clothes, Hadley!!

  4. the tulip. so simple but so neat. it has always been my favorite and always will be.

    i am a follower now and so happy to be. this is a fabulous blog!

  5. One of my favorite flowers is a lotus. I adore my yoga practice and find an affinity to the lotus flower-it symbolizes the purity of heart and mind, which is what I try to practice each day and it also represents long life, health, honor and good luck.What an awesome flower! I liked you on FB, I already follow your tweets and I posted your link on my FB page. Namaste Hadley!

  6. My favorite flower is the tulip. It is elegant and cheerful!I followed on twitter and now I will tweet away. Lovely giveaway.

  7. Laura Heinze

    I too love the jasmine flower. The pure, sweet, scent transports me to a peaceful place.

  8. My fave flowers are tiger lillies and jasmine. Tiger lillies seem utterly regal to me and and jasmine’s scent just lights up my world, especially when dusk falls…

    BTW, these clothes are utterly beautiful!

    P.S. I’ve tweeted, Facebook liked and commented here :)

  9. Sharon Plante

    So many to love…hyacinths as a sign and scent of spring…lilacs filling the world with aroma…and a Rose of Sharon in honor of my name….

  10. I heart HIBISCUS! Oh lord they just make me wanna throw on a grass skirt and start a luau! (Yes, and I just had to stop myself from making a “lei-d” joke). My bad!

    I have hereby liked Hadley, followed Hadley, re-posted this on FB, and re-tweeted…

  11. If I had to narrow it down to just one flower to represent me, I would have to choose the peony. I love the fullness, color, the scent.

    I am not a twitter or facebook kind of gal, so no bonus entries for me.

  12. My flower is lavender, first of all it’s my signature color and also its scent is soothing and I like to think I have that effect on people.

    Following Hadley on FB and Twitter now. Getting ready to tweet and FB Like this awesome giveaway! :)

  13. Definitely the plumeria because it brings back memories of tucking them behind my ear during our honeymoon.

  14. Other than lotus, which means much to me, my signature flower would be gladiola. Though picking one flower is really too hard.

  15. I love magnolia blossoms, because they are so sturdy yet delicate. Since they’re not really flowers to be picked and put in a vase, you really have to just appreciate them on tree branches.

  16. I haven’t a favorite flower, because I love them all, but I do love the plain ol’ daisy because it looks like a smile and so you smile when you see them!

  17. mine is the lilac because it was in the church and bouquet when I got married. Whenever I smell the fragrance I think of my wedding to my husband 25 years ago

  18. Holly Hock – Large, bold and showy… used to be planted to hide the outhouse!
    FB liked and FB shared

  19. Stargazer lily because it’s wildly colorful and stands out in the crowd. Liked Hadley, Followed Hadley, mentioned the giveaway on Twitter with both y’all’s handles. XO!

  20. My fav is the Tiger Lily…first, the name HELLO!!! Sassy ! And I think it is just an unusual flower (kind of like me!)

  21. I would say dahilas…They come in so many different colors and they are a little underestimated just like me!

  22. Honeysuckle. I love that it grows where it wants on whatever it wants. I strive to live that way. I love that you smell it before you see it more often than not, and that smell reminds me of childhood adventuring through woods near my home, of joy. So when ever I smell it I instantly have a smile on my face and laughter bubbling up.

  23. Iris flowers because they are graceful, simple, but succinct and sharp. This is why they are so predominant in Japanese art.

  24. Amanda L. Fox

    My flower is the calla Lilly. They signify strength and beauty. They were my flowers on my wedding day and bring me such peace!

  25. Fave flower is the Chrysanthemum because it is my birth flower and it was my grandma’s favourite flower. Every time I see one I think of her.

    I’ve liked on facebook, followed via twitter, tweeted the giveaway as requested, and will post on facebook.

    Fingers crossed…


  26. Nina Johnson

    Dear Y is for Yogini,

    My favourite flower is the tulip. I love how colourful tulips are in the Spring, and they mark freedom from the long, hard winter too!

    Following on Twitter, Tweeted the giveaway, and liked and posted on Facebook.

    Nina J

  27. Fave flower is the daisy. They remind me of my childhood, playing out in the fields and feeling free as the breeze!

    Liked on Facebook, Following via EmeraldPress27 on Twitter, Tweeted on Twitter, and posted the giveaway on Facebook.



  28. I have an Iris tattoo so It truly is my signature flower! I love all the threes it has within it. Trinities have special meaning for me. Plus I just love how graceful they are and the variety their are.
    I liked HP on FB. I was already one of her twitter followers. I have tweeted and will post on my yoga FB page.

  29. Estella del Carmen

    Dear Y is for Yogini,

    My absolute favourite flavour is the honeysuckle, hands down! It is so fragrant, and I just drink in the perfume whenever I smell one. I wish they could bottle this flower into a perfume as it makes me feel so happy and like I’m in love. Definitely a heart chakra opener, this flower!

    Okay, this is what I’ve done: Liked on Facebook, posted on Facebook, Followed on Twitter, and Tweeted the giveaway.

    Much love,

    Estella :)

  30. My fave flower is the sweetpea. I plant sweetpeas every spring/summer, and love how they burst forth from the earth in a multi-coloured array of fragrant flowers twisting and turning up the lattice-work, following the beat of their own drummer! They are a gorgeous flower-so pretty and so sweet smelling!

    I’ve done the following: Liked via Facebook, Posted on Facebook, Following via Twitter, and tweeted the giveaway.

    Sure hope I win one of these amazing Hadley Pollet tops. Love the bright colours, and spiritual designs!

    Love Kelsey :)

  31. My fave flower is the Lotus. I lived in Korea for a couple of years and the lotus and the meaning surrounding it have a special place in my heart. A close second would be cherry blossoms, so beautiful and they only bloom for such a short time.

    I Liked, Followed, Tweeted, Shared :)

    Happy Valentine’s Day! <3

  32. Happy Valentine’s Day, Y is for Yogini!

    Hope your day has been a wondrous one!



  33. Bonjour Lovelies!

    We have two winners…

    pink tee – Carolyn
    orange tank – Nikki

    Congrats, girlies and lots of LOVE to all who entered. Stay tuned…I have a ton of awesome giveaways coming up.

    Much Love, Lo ;)