MUKTA (learn sanskrit words + devanagari script!)

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learn sanskrit mukta translation

The Meaning of Mukta: In Sanskrit, MUKTA means released, liberated, freed. Moksa/Moksha is closely related to Mukta, meaning liberation or freedom. I’ve chosen to bring attention to Mukta as its tense communicates that it has already taken place, just as we are already free. We simply have to recognize it....

8 Ways Yoga Saves

- - Inspiration

Yoga saves. This is scientifically, spiritually, and pranically proven. Argumentation is futile. Belief comes swiftly. 8 Ways Yoga Saves: Yoga pulls us out of (and keeps us from) the deep, dark tarpits of despair, depression, and deprecation. Yoga saves the people we love from our tantrums, tongue-lashings, and sour-like-bad-milk moods....

Primal Power (kundalini meditation)

- - Meditations + Kriyas

Your own Primal Power is there, pulsing, poised to project from your core. It is time we tapped in deeply to our Prana. This kundalini meditation will aid you in finding + channeling your chi. Yogi Bhajan’s moving description: “It is written that one who perfects this kriya can master...