Category "Inspiration"

like a virgin { savasana for the very first time }

- - Inspiration
guy in savasana

“…didn’t know how lost I was until I found you. I was beat, incomplete. I’d been had, I was sad and blue, but you made me feel, yeah you made me feel shiny and newwwww…” I spent this past weekend in gloriously snowy Big Bear. My delicious boyfriend set it...

{ earth day } every day, in every way

- - Inspiration
woman hugging the earth

i rest in the pose of a child she soaks up our tears draws away our pain graceful blooms in the rich warm earth when we root down it is she who gives us strength i belong to her am a child of her vast gentle cradling womb loved unconditionally...

{ yogic lemons } make yourself some damn good lemonade!

- - Inspiration

This is something I’m sure all yogis and yoginis have experienced before: the yogic let-down. Picture it, Sicily, 1913. Wait, my alter ego Sophia is fighting for air time. Let’s try that again. Picture it, you’re so pumped for a yoga class you’ve heard is the bomb. Not pipe-bomb good,...

{ dirty harry + yogi harry } go ahead, make my day

- - Inspiration

It’s been a good, yet rough week. Rough like Clinty’s signature stubble. Five days of “Go ahead, make my day” incidents, both positive and negative. Blow by blow / shot by shot … The stuff that made me want to Make Someone Else’s Day, Dirty Harry-Style (picture my mug, I’m...

{ kundalini } the cure for all that binds you

- - Inspiration
kundalini rising yoga

I’m a flow girl. Yoga, rhymes, water, mental linking: I’m moved by movement. Something groundbreaking has stirred me recently — the glorious experience of Kundalini Yoga. It has also been a mirror. I’ve dabbled a teensy bit in the past, done a few Gurmukh and Gurutej DVDs, but not on a...