{ kundalini } the cure for all that binds you

- - Inspiration

kundalini rising yoga

I’m a flow girl. Yoga, rhymes, water, mental linking: I’m moved by movement. Something groundbreaking has stirred me recently — the glorious experience of Kundalini Yoga. It has also been a mirror.

I’ve dabbled a teensy bit in the past, done a few Gurmukh and Gurutej DVDs, but not on a connected, in-person level until early last week. I went to a Kundalini class taught by my amazing mentor.

What an awakening! Free, flowing, warm bodies waving about with passion and grace, less any chaos or franticness. I’ve been to every class since that first one and absolutely don’t want to miss a single one in the future.

On Monday “we” danced about on our mats. Well, I watched 30+ people fully in the zone and enjoying the bodies we reside in. They had a kick-ass time. I danced (er, postured) and thought, “F*ck I’m uncomfortable.”

Now if these people are warm water, I’m embarrassed to say that I am ice. I felt stiff and reticent around them. And I have a background in dance! Doesn’t mean a thing if you can’t let loose, relax, and not worry about being so perfectly contained, good, appropriate.

I’ve got a LOT of work to do. Untangling, loosening, freeing. I hold my feelings close, protect myself at great length, and generally keep everyone at leg’s distance (not a typo, I do mean leg, not arm!).

That said, I know myself extremely well. I know that I gravitate toward specific things for a reason — because there’s more work to do and more to learn.

Cripes, this isn’t going to be easy, but I know a sign when I see one. And this one says “Practice Kundalini Now!”

artwork credit: Myztico Campo

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soothsayer. illusion slayer. intj/mastermind. writer + artist + strategist + innovator. california born, city of angels bred. gypset world traveler. la face with an oakland booty. queen of the jungle who doesn't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

5 Comments to { kundalini } the cure for all that binds you

  1. I tried Kundalini a couple of times and it wasn’t for me. I’d be interested in giving it another go. Good luck! It is fun to discover something new.

  2. Meredith + Babs: when you two come to LA, I’m taking you to my Kundalini class. It will blow your minds. It sure isn’t your regular run-of-the-mill Kunda. It’s cosmically-delicious Kundalini. The perfect blend of Hatha + Kunda. I swear it’s magic! :)

  3. I could be a preacher for Kundalini, I think. ;)

    Last year, I returned to dance at the age of 40 and now am a certified yogadance instructor, but I would never have gotten that far had it not been for the opening that an 8 year kundalini practice had created in my heart.

    I highly recommend the work of Ana Brett and Ravi Singh. Tons of DVDs to choose from. They are an excellent combination of wisdom and humor. :)

  4. Christine: I am loving your blog, as well as your love for Kundalini! :) I will check out the DVDs you suggested, too!