Category "Inspiration"

guide illuminate inspire { what is your compass? }

- - Inspiration

If you’ve known me a short or long while, you probably have an inkling that I’m all about the subtleties, the nuances, the mere suggestions. A few days ago, I was sitting in Rawvolution with my mentor in the time between two of her yoga classes. A bit before the...

raggedy yogini { have faith, child }

- - Inspiration

There have been highs and there have been lows this past week. All of it has been a solo. I am left feeling like a little yogini rag doll, tossed about the mad, detached, smoky-slate seas. I have let my injury create dis-ease in my body. My anger at feeling...

yoga mind, beginner’s mind

- - Inspiration

“You can learn new things at any time in your life if you’re willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you.” — Barbara Sher On Sunday in YTT, we delved into How to Teach Beginners. A large part...

speak sweetly { to yourself } and carry a comfy yoga mat

- - Inspiration

Speaking. Listening. Today has been an ear/mouth/eye-opening experience in both. The Universe has been sending me direct messages this day and I am now at attention. On Twitter, Hugger Mugger asked, “What’s your inner monologue? And how does observing it begin to create positive change?” I sent off an honest...