Bikram O’Lantern! { happy halloween yoga pumpkin }

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Happy Yogaween! To commemorate this year’s trickery and treatery, I’ve carved up Mr. Bikram Choudhury, an homage to Bikram Yoga’s namesake.

It gives me great goosebumpery pleasure to introduce you to Mr. Bikram O’Lantern:

yoga pumpkin bikram o'lantern halloween yoga

✓ Top Knot

✓ 80s Headband

✓ Caterpillar Brows

✓ Smirk

✓ Lit from Within (due to multi-millionaire status)

I think Bikkie would be honored, don’t you? Love you all + Happy Halloween!

(photo credits: now this news; artwork credit: y is for yogini)

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soothsayer. illusion slayer. intj/mastermind. writer + artist + strategist + innovator. california born, city of angels bred. gypset world traveler. la face with an oakland booty. queen of the jungle who doesn't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

11 Comments to Bikram O’Lantern! { happy halloween yoga pumpkin }

  1. wonder if those motion activated sound things can be reprogrammed with stuff like “lock your knees! LOCK YOUR KNEES!!!” or “DON’T LOOSE THAT GRIP!!!”

  2. Smriti – No flies on you, missy. :P xo

    Maria – Happy Halloweeeeeen!

    So – He keeps asking me for the keys to his Rolls…

    Alex – Ooooh. Will percolate on that for next year. We should team up. You can do the voiceover. :D

    Svasti – Teehee. Love u!

    Sabrina – Girl, YOU fierce. xo