wanderlust california in 11 photos

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Yoo hoo! I’m back in full effect, though still woozy with the wondrously wanton wawesomeness that was Wanderlust California. Whoop whoop, wowzers, and whew sums it up wather wicely — I mean, rather nicely. :)

You know I like to keep it real, so I want to share the wonder with you simply. Through my eyes. All photos taken by me…


flower henna tattoo

happy babies at wanderlust

yoga fruit altar

yoga signs at wanderlust

wanderlust concert

wanderlust yoga class long line

i love you sign

ganesh scarf

wanderlust cable car

yoga hood scarf mannequin

uttanasana at wanderlust


Wanderlustily yours. xo

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soothsayer. illusion slayer. intj/mastermind. writer + artist + strategist + innovator. california born, city of angels bred. gypset world traveler. la face with an oakland booty. queen of the jungle who doesn't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

14 Comments to wanderlust california in 11 photos

  1. Oh, you’re sneaky! All photos by you, so there are no photos OF you – or so you’d have us believe! ;P

    Now tell me, did you buy a Little Red Yoga Hood? :)

  2. lovely photos and I was waiting for your sweet face to pop up, one day??
    Anyway,thanks for sharing this experience with everyone.

  3. @yogadawg – Dawg, where have you been?! i’ve missed you! :D yup, YD actually stayed w/me at Wanderlust. we had pillow fights and banana splits. also, heh heh, that happy baby pic was too damn good not to post! ;) i shot it over my head and it turned out perfectly, though that nice girl prob wouldn’t appreciate the crotch shot.

  4. I was wondering where the heck you were last week – glad it was somewhere so awesome! Pics are fabu!
    Next year I am getting my arse to one of these wanderlust/yogini festivals – putting it out there and saving the pennies! Please write about your experience – would love to live vicariously through your experience.

  5. love these pics! you have a truly unique eye (of course). i especially love the hoods $55 shot… ?? so weird and random.