The First Rule of YOGA CLUB…

- - Inspiration

yoga club soap

Listen up, yogis.

You are not your body. You’re not your car, house, job, or your circumstances. You are not your pedigree or where you went to school. You’re not what you think or say. You are not your fucking yoga clothes. And you are not your monkey mind.

Welcome to YOGA CLUB.

The first rule of Yoga Club:  You do not just talk about Yoga. You practice it.
2nd rule:  You DO NOT just talk about Yoga! You practice it!
3rd rule:  If someone yells “Stop!”, goes limp, taps out: this is NOT asana.
4th rule:  There is no fight. Only flow.
5th rule:  One breath at a time, yogis.
6th rule:  No bullshit, no shoes, no socks.
7th rule:  Mindfulness will go on as long as you make it so.
And the 8th + final rule of Yoga Club:  If this is your first time at Yoga Club, you have to yoga.



Question is, are you in?

Mad respect to my inspiration for this piece, Mr. Chuck Palahniuk + his brilliant novel Fight Club. You can read the 8 rules of Fight Club here.
(artwork credit: © Y is for Yogini; soap dish background photo (altered) from Fight Club film poster – Fox 2000 Pictures)

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soothsayer. illusion slayer. intj/mastermind. writer + artist + strategist + innovator. california born, city of angels bred. gypset world traveler. la face with an oakland booty. queen of the jungle who doesn't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

16 Comments to The First Rule of YOGA CLUB…

  1. Cause I love ya I’m leaving a comment. I rarely leave comments but you crack me up and get me to chuckle and/or snort laugh. For that laughter, I had to thank you. Oh, I’d like to add, if anybody taps out or is going to potentially kill someone else by letting their ego get in the way cause they have to attempt fan to tripod headstand away from the wall, don’t do it, that is NOT yoga. Just sayin, ;) xo hugs! Brilliant lady!

    • My point precisely! Asana should never hurt. It should feel gOOOOOOOOOd.

      Also, even though you aren’t the commenty type, you show love in other sweet ways + I am always so grateful. ;) xo

  2. Very creative! I’m in! I will show Lo Love by sharing! Thank you for finding the humorous side to a Yogic Life!

    • Aww, what a honey-sweet comment. Roxanne, I wanna be your man! ;) Humor is the path in my book.

  3. I love this! You are combining my two favorites, chuck and yoga…. You really are the yogini in know ;) xo