Posts Tagged: "lists"

5 Yoga Practices to Dissolve Holiday Stress

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5 yoga practices to dissolve holiday stress

Holidazed + holicrazed? It happens to the even the jolliest yogis amongst us. What can you do about it? Draw strength, sukkha (ease), and space from your yoga practice. Your mat and other yogic tools can help you glide from Grinch to Sage! 5 Yoga Practices To Dissolve Holiday Stress:...

4 ways yoga can help you deal with annoying people

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You can’t swing a yoga mat, a sassy arm, or a stylish bag without hitting at least one asshole. They’re everywhere these days — the post office, in traffic, even on Twitter. But this doesn’t mean you have to let them get your goat. Not when you have camel, cobra,...

6 reasons i don’t teach yoga

- - Lifestyle

If there’s one question I receive on the regular, it’s: “Do you teach yoga?” Or some variant thereof. (i.e., Where do you teach? Are you teaching yet? Why aren’t you teaching?) My answer has become pull-string. “Well, I’ve completed 200 hours of teacher training and have been practicing since age 15,...

6 ways yoga is like dating

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Modern yoga. Your average studio, USA. Hotbed of personalities, overflowing psychological baggage, and good old fashioned red-bloodedness. MICROCOSM! Somewhere out there, a rousing howl pierces the spiritual silence. A yogi pounds his chest. A yogini tosses her mane. 6 Ways Yoga is Like Dating: All Dressed Up — Ass check...

5 yoga poses to combat text neck

- - Lifestyle

At the age of 14, I was slightly boy-entranced. My Grammie used to joke that I’d get whiplash if I wasn’t more careful. Particularly luminous lads would often catch my eye (and crane my neck) as we were driving around. My head seemed to act of its own accord. Apparently...