yoga how you like! { doowutchyalike }

- - Inspiration

Ahem years ago { a lady never tells }, I was born unto this rich earth. TODAY IS ME BIRFFDAY! And I plan on rocking my fuchsia bejeweled plastic tiara { yup, i have one — wearing it now as i type }, pulling on my wellies, and doing whatever...

Peepayama (the yogic art of peep breath)

- - Lifestyle
peep guru yoga peepayama peepasana

* This is a guest post for YIFY from Guru Peep, resident Peepayama teacher. * It is I, Guru Peep. Look into my eyes. I teach from my marshmallow soul — pure, sweet, and deep. Trust. Peepayama is an important element of any practice, whether for those made of sugar...

Peepasana Journal Yoga Cover Model { finalists! }

- - Lifestyle

From the yoga magazine we all read voraciously — Peepasana Journal — comes the contest of the year. Who will be the next PJ Yoga Cover Model? Meet the finalists… Betsy Bunny Style: Bikini Yoga. Teacher: The Victoria’s Secret Models + Bo Derek. Quote: “Tee hee hee. This is for...

Peepasana (marshmallow peeps practicing yoga!)

- - Lifestyle
yoga peeps yoga studio

What? You thought peeps just appeared magically around Keester time (that’s what I call Easter)? I’m here to tell you that they’re hanging out all year. All day, err day. And when they aren’t helping the EB (Easter Bunny. get hip to the lingo.), they’re practicing yoga, of course. How...