i’m one of shape magazine’s best bloggers of 2011!

- - Inspiration

shape magazine best yoga blog
I got this amazing news a few weeks ago and sparkly rainbow confetti exploded from my chakras. True Story. ‘Twas terribly startling for the innocent bystanders, but heart-thrilling for me! I wanted to share with you because you made it rain. You inspire me, you make me laugh, and I am inordinately blessed to have you as friends and readers.

In true, fashionably-late form { me }, today’s the last day to vote for #1 in each category — mine is Healthy Living/Blogs That Keep Us Happy and Sane { how cute is that? fortunately, the guarantee of my own sanity wasn’t a prereq. }. I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell to win top spot { tough to beat those food+diet blogs! }, but I am so pleased to be nominated AND to be representing as the sole yoga blog. Awww yeahhhh!

If you have a few spare seconds and are so inclined, I’d love your support { vote }.

Scorpio Moon, fires are stoked, and beyond the sky is the limit!

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soothsayer. illusion slayer. intj/mastermind. writer + artist + strategist + innovator. california born, city of angels bred. gypset world traveler. la face with an oakland booty. queen of the jungle who doesn't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

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