yoga bell ringers { we’re everywhere }

- - Inspiration

you can ring my bell

Today, one of my lovely dovely friends noted her gratitude for the Salvation Army bell ringers. In a kooky coincidence, I happened to be watching Friday (takin’ it back to ’95). On the soundtrack is “Keep Their Heads Ringin.'” The harmony of my pal + Dr. Dre struck a chord in my mind. A thought loud and clear. As a bell.

As yogis and yoginis, WE ARE ALL BELL RINGERS. We’re yoga bell ringers.

  1. Every time you share a pose, whether you’re a teacher or not, you’re giving the gift of being present.
  2. YTT rang my bell like nothing else. It woke me up with a sweet tinkling that rocked my world like a big ass church bell. And it’s still ringing long after the initial ding and dong.
  3. The reverberations of your bells are powerful. You wouldn’t believe how far the tiniest bit of love goes.
  4. Your bell is a voice, a sound-making instrument, in one form or another. Perhaps it’s your eyes expressing empathy and kindness, your touch guiding others deeper into their own bodies, or a simple “Aum” said to yourself, just for you to hear.
  5. My own bell has lots of tunes — sometimes it’s hip-hop or 50s jazz, some days it’s 70s rock or baroque classical. It’s often set to soul. :) But whatever the tune, the message always has heart and my own special kind of yoga behind it. I try my best to ring true at every moment. Sure, I eff up sometimes, but I’m here. I’m awake and aware. It will be a lifelong journey. I’d say my bell probably sounds like brains, humor, spice, and eccentricity.
  6. Speaking of Bells, I’m thinking of two you should meet: Charlotte Bell and Gwen Bell. Charlotte is a beautiful writer — you can find her at Hugger Mugger (and many other places). Her bell’s song is intelligent, honest, and mellifluous.  Gwen is known for many interesting things. Her bell sounds like inspiration and manifestation.
  7. Come and ring my belllllll, ring my bell. Ring yours. Ring ’em all.

When was the last time your bell was rung? Have you been ringing lately? What does your bell’s song express?

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soothsayer. illusion slayer. intj/mastermind. writer + artist + strategist + innovator. california born, city of angels bred. gypset world traveler. la face with an oakland booty. queen of the jungle who doesn't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

4 Comments to yoga bell ringers { we’re everywhere }

  1. Lol. I read this post earlier this morning and had “ring my bell in my head” all day. Seriously though, I like this post. Very inspiring.

  2. Meredith – that song always makes me want to boogie!

    Keishua – i think you and Meredith and i should form a girl group. :P

    Charlotte- wow, it is an honor to have you here! i read your blog regularly and am always amazed at the breadth of your knowledge, as well as the gentle kindness in your writing. sending you love!