hot + crunchy + colorful @ bhakti fest 2012
The YIFY fan club + I were at Bhakti Fest over the weekend. They are so dedicated. The fan club doesn’t really talk or even blink, but I know they have my back when it counts. They like to snuggle, too....
The YIFY fan club + I were at Bhakti Fest over the weekend. They are so dedicated. The fan club doesn’t really talk or even blink, but I know they have my back when it counts. They like to snuggle, too....
A colorful tapestry of bodies, art, flavor, and funk… { yarrr! it’s a yogi with pirate socks! } { giving an adjustment. loved her legwarmers + fun pedicure. } { our lady of yoga } { more happy babies, babes, and bebes } We’re all part of the same brilliant...
It’s in our blood, our breath, our DNA. We yoga here, there, and everywhere, without even thinking on it. All photos by Lo, © Y is for Yogini { Seane Corn takes Vrksasana when she checks in to hotels. } { His Tadasana is even more impressive when you know...
Yoo hoo! I’m back in full effect, though still woozy with the wondrously wanton wawesomeness that was Wanderlust California. Whoop whoop, wowzers, and whew sums it up wather wicely — I mean, rather nicely. :) You know I like to keep it real, so I want to share the wonder...