Posts Tagged: "kundalini"

Sat Kriya (kundalini kriya)

- - Meditations + Kriyas
sat kriya kundalini yoga

Sat Kriya is a core practice of Kundalini Yoga and was developed by the incomparable Yogi Bhajan. The mantra chanted during this kriya is Sat Nam, which means “Truth is my identity.” If you are ready to see, listen to, feel, and BE your true Self, this is your kriya....

{ kundalini } the cure for all that binds you

- - Inspiration
kundalini rising yoga

I’m a flow girl. Yoga, rhymes, water, mental linking: I’m moved by movement. Something groundbreaking has stirred me recently — the glorious experience of Kundalini Yoga. It has also been a mirror. I’ve dabbled a teensy bit in the past, done a few Gurmukh and Gurutej DVDs, but not on a...