YOGA CLASS: divine truths (illustrated with yoga gifs)

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“Preacher tellin’ the truth and it hurts.” — DMX

These particular yoga truths hurt because they are terribly true and hackingly hilarious when illustrated by slapstick gifs. Better lock yourself in to your chair with a yoga strap . . .

Divine Truths About Yoga Class:

1. Someone puts their nasty toes on your yoga mat. You (or maybe this is just me):



2. The teacher plays YOUR FAVORITE JAM. OMG. :


3. When I get asked to demo a pose for the class:


4. Some show-off presses up to handstand. You:


5. Latecomer a-holio next to you says, “Hey, can you move your mat over to make room for my friend?” You:



Keepin’ it real.

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soothsayer. illusion slayer. intj/mastermind. writer + artist + strategist + innovator. california born, city of angels bred. gypset world traveler. la face with an oakland booty. queen of the jungle who doesn't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

7 Comments to YOGA CLASS: divine truths (illustrated with yoga gifs)

  1. Possible Exception to #1.
    In a Sean Corn workshop.
    Crowded room.
    She stepped on my mat.
    With her feet.
    Several times.
    I was facing my mat.
    I couldn’t see her.
    Just her feet.
    (Her feet are a good size for yoga.)
    I didn’t mind.
    Not. One. Bit.
    I accept myself for who I am.