Posts Tagged: "yoga accessories"

four singing bowls { the 12 days of yoga }

- - Lifestyle

On the 12th day of December, yoga gave to me four singing bowls. . . { three sneaky gassers } { two melted hearts } { and a yoga studio made of cake + candy }   Please resist the urge to toss your panties onstage....

yogini toes + nail polish { oooooooh la la }

- - Lifestyle

Ever since I was little, I’ve been a nail polish fiend. It’s the girliest thing about me. I’m equal parts clotheshorse + tomboy. My yogini toes are never naked — I’ve always got sparkle, brightness, and shine on them. Think about how many times you look at your toes in...

{ ain’t too proud } for yoga props

- - Inspiration

I’ve been practicing this awesomeness called yoga for a very long time. I like to think I have a solid idea of what I’m doing. I need to come clean, though, and say that sometimes my ego really gets in my way. I’m learning to say, “Ego! Take thyself away,...