KUMBHAKA (learn sanskrit words + devanagari script!)
The Meaning of Kumbhaka:
- Kumbhaka means pitcher, jar, pot. Think: container.
- It is also the term used for breath retention — on both the inhale and the exhale.
- When you inhale and retain the breath, your container is full. Expansive.
- When you exhale and retain the breath, your container is empty. Receptive.
- In The Heart of Yoga, Desikachar has this to impart, “…as it is held the breath is at rest, and with it so hopefully is the mind.”
- During the day, remember to bring your attention to your breath. Fill your jar completely and experience this feeling. Then empty your pot fully and stay tapped in.
Kumbhaka written in Devanagari:
Word to the wise: you’ll always remember Kumbhaka if you sing my remixed tune…
“Kumbhaka my lord, kuuuuuummmbhaaaakaaa.” Be sure to hold your own hand and sit by a crackling fire. Conscious breath: mandatory. S’mores: optional.
artwork credits: © Y is for Yogini
I love this! I have a secret longing to be one of those people who knows all the sanskrit words for everything, and it always comes rolling off their tongue like poetry – but to be honest the language scares the heck outa me. Thanks for the easy way to learn a thing or two…and I’m totally going to try yelling “foot” at the sky.
I need to learn more about sanskrit, so looking forward to my weekly lesson here at yisforyogini!
Kumbhaka my lord!!!!!! Singing this with my s’mores (made with a reese cup instead of hershey bar) in hand! :)
I love reading the Radiance Sutras by Lorin Roche aloud, makes Lovely Boyfriend and Lulu the Krazy Kitty wonder whether I’m gone mad, but it’s biiiiooouuutiful!
i prefer to do all my cursing in sanskrit.. i makes me feel more cultured but it also makes me sound way more dangerous! samskara yea!
great post and i look forward to singing more sanskrit kumbhaka my shiva oh my shiva..
Made me laugh, I can’t wait for more of this interpretive learning experience, ssssssukam!!
love it!! :)
Glad to have you back and on top of your game once again, throaty! ;)
Nice, I’m glad for this! Keep it coming, please!